AJ4TW Live Logbook

Friday, July 26, 2013

Here is a little clip of the noise at 15.250Mhz picking it up with the HT and the Radio.  I am fairly certain it is coming from outside the building, or at least from one of the units on the roof.  Maybe nothing I can do about it in this commercial environment.  I'd love to power down the entire building but that's just not going to happen.  We share the building with Loudoun Co. Fire/Rescue maintenance garage, and as I said before we have a SCIF that kinda makes shutting things down a little complicated.

I worked Guyana for the first time yesterday, it was a difficult contact for me because he was not only wedged between two european stations(IDK why he was there, maybe he didn't hear them but he only had about 1.3Khz space between them.) but he was also centered up right on one of these noise spurs that I have.  But we were able to talk, Thanks to the filtering capabilities of the F5K I was able to pull him out from around all the QRM/QRN.  :-) 

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