AJ4TW Live Logbook

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well, still enjoying Dstar very much. I've got to say it's spoiled me. Love the digital voice. I have been playing on HF from the mobile as well, Right now the little TDi is my only hamshack. I'm still using the DPRS tracker with my homebrew interface. The map to the right is packets reported to the AK4EG B repeater, these are packets reported to it in October only as of 10/16. The map on the left is Position reports recieved by the AK4EG C repeater during October 2010 as of 10/16.
Just above you see my personal position reports in the last seven days, these are all the reports from my mobile that simultaneously sends my position information with my voice audio. You can explore this more at APRS.FI
Cheers, 73 good DX and GL OM