AJ4TW Live Logbook

Friday, August 27, 2010

A week with DPRS

Well, it's been one week so far, and I've really made some tracks. It's actually quite impressive when you look at it graphically. One thing that strikes me when I see these plots of my Digital Position Reports is that every red dot represents a transmission in which I was received by a Dstar repeater, probably 95% have been the AK4EG B port, 444.8875, I have also been heard by the AK4EG C port, and the KI4WXS C port a few times. NC is blessed with some outstanding Dstar repeater systems, we have continuous Dstar coverage for almost the full length of I-85 through our state, in most places the corridor is covered by multiple systems. Here is a compilation of all of my reports for the past 7 days:

It is actually a little funny It looks as if I've been obsessively continuously transmitting in some areas, but really those dots all lined up are an accumulation that has happened over the past week of commuting and running errands, basically normal QSO's that I've been having on a daily basis anyway, but have just not been recorded until now.

Another thing that I've recently realized is that listening to the DV mode will spoil you. After having the ID-880 for a week in the car and using Dstar systems heavily I have become very accustomed to hearing clear clean audio coming from my radio. We switched around a bit this morning to some FM repeaters and it's just lost it's luster. I mean, I'm telling you the truth, try it! If you give Digital Voice a real chance you'll become attached to it as well, and you won't want to go back!

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