Well, I've moved to a new QTH, long gone are the big antennas hanging high in the pine trees. Now my HF station at home is connected to a short 44ft doublet that is in the attic, and I have a tarheel II on my car. So, if your hearing me then it is most likely on one of those antennas. I'll tell you I really miss those big tall pine trees and all that open space at the old QTH. Hopefully one day before too long we'll get back to a home where we can have some space to operate from.
I've been operating VHF/UHF a lot since the station is so limited at home. Dstar has been fun, but there really is no replacement for HF.
AJ4TW Live Logbook
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Cheers, 73 good DX and GL OM
Friday, August 27, 2010
A week with DPRS
Well, it's been one week so far, and I've really made some tracks. It's actually quite impressive when you look at it graphically. One thing that strikes me when I see these plots of my Digital Position Reports is that every red dot represents a transmission in which I was received by a Dstar repeater, probably 95% have been the AK4EG B port, 444.8875, I have also been heard by the AK4EG C port, and the KI4WXS C port a few times. NC is blessed with some outstanding Dstar repeater systems, we have continuous Dstar coverage for almost the full length of I-85 through our state, in most places the corridor is covered by multiple systems. Here is a compilation of all of my reports for the past 7 days:

It is actually a little funny It looks as if I've been obsessively continuously transmitting in some areas, but really those dots all lined up are an accumulation that has happened over the past week of commuting and running errands, basically normal QSO's that I've been having on a daily basis anyway, but have just not been recorded until now.
Another thing that I've recently realized is that listening to the DV mode will spoil you. After having the ID-880 for a week in the car and using Dstar systems heavily I have become very accustomed to hearing clear clean audio coming from my radio. We switched around a bit this morning to some FM repeaters and it's just lost it's luster. I mean, I'm telling you the truth, try it! If you give Digital Voice a real chance you'll become attached to it as well, and you won't want to go back!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Here is a screen shot of the gated reports so far from 8/10:
Most of the Dstar radios do have DPRS (Digital Position reporting system) capabilities. It is fairly inexpensive to get yourself a GPS reciever and build an interface for the radio, can be done for under $100. It's been a lot of fun to play with so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the Data from my commuting next week! You should try it too!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Got word back today from Gigaparts, they received the radio today and are shipping the replacement radio out to me right away. I am very satisfied with their prompt attention and good service. It is nice to see that some businesses still care about their customers, it seems more and more rare these days that a retail type business knows the proper way to treat their customers. Thanks to Brandon and the rest of the guys at Gigaparts! Looking forward to seeing that ID-880 back in it's proper place on my dashboard!
Catch ya later!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Well, we got the interface box made to run the GPS on the ID-880. Don WD4CWE made the connections and put it all together, I just showed up with the parts and the plan. It works! I had to send my 880 back because there was a problem with the UHF finals, so I won't have it back until next week. Thanks to the guys a Gigaparts for working with me on that one, I hope to get it back really quick!
Anyway, here are some pictures from building the interface box, what it does is insert the 5v power for the GPS and allow the GPS to talk to the Icom programming cable:
Here you can see all of the parts that I got together to get the thing made total cost of $8.50 or so at radio shack.
Here are some final assembly internal photos.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Connecting your ID-880 to a GPS reciever, I'll be happy to try and help out if I can!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Well, for reasons beyond my control I'm dropping out of the MDC QSO party. I think I'll turn my efforts towards building the interface for my DPRS set up for the 880. At least that way I can get something done, and my GPS receiver will be ready to go.
I'm pretty bummed about missing the QSO party, but I guess there is always next year. . .
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Last night my ID-880 came in, WD4CWE and I installed it in the car in the heat and humidity, we hooked the computer up to it and programmed it with all the local repeaters. It's ready for action, there are still a few things that need to be done to complete the installation, but it is ready for this morning's commute. So far I think that is a great radio, it is really cool. Nice compact presence on the dash, but with a large enough display that I can easily read callsigns and messages that scroll across the screen.
I'm going to try and get the GPS running on it so that I can activate the DPRS functions of the radio and have live GPS tracking.
Catch ya on the radio!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
It's been a month already! This is August and the Maryland/DC QSO party is coming up Aug 14th, I'm planning on participating again this year, last year was lots of fun and I had a little success as well. Last year of course I was still KJ4BEE.
Also I ordered an Icom ID-880 for the car that should be here this week, I can't wait to have a real Dstar mobile rig, I've been playing with Dstar for over a year now and only using my IC-91AD which is a small hand-held radio. I can not complain at all about the 91, that radio has performed flawlessly that little radio is a work-horse, very tough little rig. But, it was time for something more substantial in the car with DV. I'm pretty excited as this is the first brand new rig that I have ever bought so it'll be pretty cool!
Maybe I'll get a chance to catch you on the air through one of the D-Star repeaters from my new little mobile rig!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Well, it's independence day weekend. A day to celebrate Liberty, kind-of ironic in my mind. Oh well, with the nostalgic feelings of liberty and independence, I'm going to see if I can get all of the 13 special event stations representing the 13 original colonies this weekend. We'll see how it works out.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It's been too long since I posted, been having fun in the mobile with the 706 and the Little Tarheel II. Played a bit with the VHF Sweeps this weekend, enjoyed a bit of a 2m band opening out to the west. Looking forward to operating at the upcoming Field Day with the Alamance Amateur Radio Club. Had a really nice QSO with my brother, Collins, AB3KC on 80m Single Side Band the other day. It's been a fantastic weekend. Really had fun watching the 24 hour of LeMans and seeing Audi pull off such an impressive victory!
Catch ya Further down the Log.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Had fun with the Mobile set up today on the commute. Very fun to hear a few VK stations this morning on the way in, they were sounding good. Gave me hope that the conditions were improving as the bands seemed to be wonderful this morning. Then the bottom fell out and I heard that the sunspots all disappeared, hope they come back soon! A solar flux of only 75 or so, not so great.
Check out this little video from this AM:
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Enjoyed the NC QSO Party today, thanks to all the stations out there who called me. I think I made about 130 contacts today, many interesting ones and a few surprises, especially on 20m some DX stations that I would've never expected, thank you!
I tried a new logging software that I wasn't too pleased with really. It didn't really do what I thought it would do. Maybe teething pains it being my first time using it. At any rate, I'm going to have to go in and fix my log so that I can submit a log and summary sheet.
Thanks again, it was a blast!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Well, long time no post. Not that anyone is actually paying attention.
I've made a few contacts on HF in the mobile lately, I've got an hour commute each way so leaves some time open for playing radio. Most of them have been 20m, I don't keep a log in the car or have video going or anything. So, if we worked mobile, THANK YOU, it has been a blast. Sure makes the long drive to work a little more fun.
In other news:
North Carolina QSO Party
I'm going to make a serious effort at it this year, see how many Q's I can rack up on SSB. There is a new class this year for SSB only ops, which will be me. Wouldn't it be swell to win the first year ever for the new class with some really nice QSO rates? I think so. In that vein I've purchased some software specifically for this QSO party with all the abbreviations already in the software, also it will link to the rig to record frequency and mode. I've also got another antenna tuner in the hopes that I can load up both of my balanced line antennas and be able to switch between them with the rig's antenna selector. Before if I wanted to switch to the other balanced line antenna I'd have to unhook the antenna from the back of the tuner and fasten the other. This will hopefully help me be a little more flexible. I need to spend some time this week getting the shack ready for the NCQP, I have computers to set up and software to sort, as well as antennas and tuners to check out and make sure they work. Hopefully all will go well and I'll be firing on all cylinders on Sunday Feb 28th at 12:00 EST.
I hope to see you there, it would be great to put you in my log for the NCQP!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Too busy to play much again this weekend. Probably mobile UHF is about as much radio play as I'll get. Hopefully things will slow down in a couple weeks and I'll have some play time.
I'm missing the Jan. VHF sweepstakes which I participated in last year as KJ4BEE, that's a huge bummer, but oh well.
I had an Idea for the NC QsO party, I have a friend who is a pilot, I thought about contracting him to fly me around over NC so that I could participate in the NC QSO party as Air Mobile Rover. Is there a class for that? Or do I just go in as rover? Got any idea? give me a reply. That's like a year out probably, this year I wanted to go out to Ocracoke Island for the NCQP, but that's probably not going to happen either. I am still holding on to the possibility of running a multi op effort with some friends.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Well, it's almost been a week. I did have some fun with the radio this week. Made a few contacts on 40m that were interesting. XE1YQQ, Theodoro in Mexico City, Mexico also IZ8DEP Alfred on the west coast of Italy who gave me a 5.9 report, interestingly enough Alfred also has a US callsign which is KI4RMF, not many folks have calls in more than one country, so that is pretty cool. Also HR2DMR Dan in Honduras who also gave me a 59 signal report, Dan was my first contact into Honduras so I thought that was pretty cool. That's about it for DX this week, I probably wont have much chance to work the VFO this weekend, although I might head down to the shack tonight and jump in on 40m.
I also had a nice Ragchew QSO with Harry, KW5HP, who lives in Little Rock Arkansas. We had a good conversation about antennas, photography, and even a mention of two of amplifiers, although neither of us was running any extra power, both just 100w "barefoot". Harry was running an inverted V dipole that is hidden in the easement behind his house, he called it his StealthTenna. That's a good idea for people who live in restricted areas, a lot of the time you can put up a dipole or some other wire antenna and no one will even know it is there. It certainly didn't hurt Harry's signal any he had great audio and a beautiful 5 by 9 signal report on 7.205Mhz. Thanks for the QSO Harry!
Earlier in the week we did a bit of a propagation test on 10m, 28.425Mhz. My brother, Spencer, KJ4GPP installed in his attic a "Tech Dipole" which is just a short dipole cut to be centered on 28.4 Mhz. He is up at school in Farmville, VA and we didn't have any luck the other night on 10m. He couldn't even hear a friend of mine here locally who was running power and a log periodic beam pointed at him. I'm pretty sure it's just because the band was not open. So, were hoping for more solar activity. Or maybe we can just get Spencer to upgrade, that's the answer there.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Well, today I've added a video bar of my Youtube channel in. If I've worked you and recorded the contact chances are that it will show up on my Youtube channel, Shiftlink. One way to find my recording of one of our contacts would be to search your callsign on Youtube.
I really wanted to play on 20m today, but the sun is now going down and it has become very apparent that real life has gotten in the way of play today. Maybe after dinner I'll go to the shack and get in on 40m. There are also a couple of nets tonight on VHF and UHF, one is the local VHF Sunday evening net on 146.670 the K4EG repeater. The other is the Southeast Dstar Weather net which we usually hear on the 145.320 Dstar repeater in Burlington, which is actually located just down the road from my house on Cane Mountain.
Anyway, maybe I'll find some time to play today, I sure hope so!
I really wanted to play on 20m today, but the sun is now going down and it has become very apparent that real life has gotten in the way of play today. Maybe after dinner I'll go to the shack and get in on 40m. There are also a couple of nets tonight on VHF and UHF, one is the local VHF Sunday evening net on 146.670 the K4EG repeater. The other is the Southeast Dstar Weather net which we usually hear on the 145.320 Dstar repeater in Burlington, which is actually located just down the road from my house on Cane Mountain.
Anyway, maybe I'll find some time to play today, I sure hope so!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Well, here is my brand new Blog. I've got some place to put up my Ustream.tv now! Maybe I'll figure out how to put an interactive log-book up too. I have some other ideas as well. AB3KC, my brother, Collins, gave me an Arduino and an ethernet shell for Christmas. I have a few thought about what kinds of things I could send to this blog from that Arduino unit, so look for that in the future. It's going to take some time for me to put the hardware together. Also the only thing I've ever written a program for is a graphing calculator, so I'll take up some time learning that as well.
My last blog faded into disuse withing two posts, and in fact I just deleted it. But I think I can make this one hang around a bit longer.
I hope you enjoy it, and I hope I do too!
My last blog faded into disuse withing two posts, and in fact I just deleted it. But I think I can make this one hang around a bit longer.
I hope you enjoy it, and I hope I do too!
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