So I shot my line over the offending branch and pulled the "saw" up with some paracord. I began to pull back and forth in a sawing motion, for four or five minutes I did this. Finally my homemade "saw" broke. Now let me say, I did test this saw, I cut a small branch off of a tree that I could reach and it cut right through it in about a half minute.
Needless to say this tree is still keeping my antenna down right in the middle, really close to the feed point, which I think is not very good, it is much better to have your feedpoint higher than the ends than the other way around. So I am very frustrated by this darn branch, I have to thank my wife(Stephanie) for helping me today, we tried a few other things and we got pretty darn close to pulling the antenna over far enough to pop it past and up over this branch, almost. . . .ALMOST!! sheesh. So I'm thinking that maybe I'll have to call in a professional, I still think the "wire saw" might work, but I think on this oak tree that I'm fighting with, I'll need a more robustly designed "saw", so look in the future for a possible redesign of my saw, or maybe even a commercially available wire saw/commando saw.
Here is a picture of the gosh darn tree in all it's glory, that middle branch holding my feedpoint down from where this antenna could be if it weren't for it's pesky woodiness.
I maybe should have spent my time today raising a shorter antenna, I want to put one up for 20-10m a nice compact balanced line fed dipole. Kind-of even toying with the idea of making my own feed-line. We shall see.